Friday, May 28, 2010


So, I got this idea for an interesting breakfast method from my stepmother, Betty.  As I eat eggs like it's my job, any true Marxist would appreciate that I am getting thoroughly bored with the same old thing.  Time for something new.  So I checked with Bacon to see if this was legit.  Bacon is fairly progressive, and as such was open to new ideas.  I am so glad Bacon isn't a conservative.  Conservatives are ignorant.
  The original idea called for a layer of ham on the bottom of the muffin tin.  Ham is Bacon's cousin, so they tend to get along.  Bacon won the hero of the day award here, however.  It is important, in any case, that there is some sort of meat foundation.  Meat foundation.  It's my blog and I can repeat "meat foundation" to my heart's content.  Bacon no doubt appreciates it. 

Obviously, next I cracked an egg over each meat foundation.  The center concoction looks slightly different because I scrambled the egg.  It was done for research purposes.  The research produced a tasty product, but messier than the other two. The conclusion is that despite the possibilities of the scramble, it may not be appropriate in this situation.  The other two were cracked into the muffin tin over the meat foundation, covered in a layer of fried potatoes and a layer of cheese.  I love cheese.  I love cheese sooooo much.  I should buy stock in cheese.  Cheese would in no way be responsible for a Wall Street-style crash.  Cheese can only produce goodness.  Cheese is Bacon's best friend.  Remember that.  Anyway, as you see it pictured, that is how it went into the oven set at 350 degrees.  I don't know how long I cooked it, because I was also working on my next batch of Kombucha and cleaning the kitchen.
 Once the kitchen was clean, I took the muffin tin
out of the oven.  The result looked something like this. Kind of messy.  I should have greased the muffin tin first, unfortunately, Bacon didn't provide the necessary grease.  I was a bit incensed at first, but who can stay mad at Bacon?  Not this guy.  At this point I still had high hopes for the scrambled egg-cup.  It clearly looks like it is more legit.  Looks can be deceiving, though, remember that.  Also remember that Glenn Beck is ignorant, dangerous, and uninformed, but he passes himself off as the penultimate authority on everything only after God.  Doubt it Beck.  Even Bacon doesn't like him, and Bacon is generally accepting of everybody.  If Glenn Beck were a breakfast food, he would be an olive and mushroom omelet.  Mushrooms and olives have no place in my kitchen.  Glenn Beck has no place in American popular culture.
  Anyway, I guarantee you that this was a Glenn Beck-free breakfast.  I did however listen to Best of the Left podcast while I was cooking.  And they rail on Beck and the rest of the ignorant conservatives.  If you haven't checked out Best of the Left yet, you really should.  Cooking is enhanced for me by listening to liberal podcasts. 

And what is better than cooking, but eating?
I poured a nice cup of black coffee, placed the breakfast experiment on some thick wheat toast, and topped each of them off with some hot salsa. I have to say, this cured my breakfast boredom. While this isn't some quick meal that you can make before running out to work on a weekday morning, it does stand to provide a break from monotonous scrambles and omelets that may have infiltrated standard weekend breakfast cuisine.
Don't be afraid to mix it up a little bit!  Every good cook was once a bad cook who made a lot of mistakes.  It is only through those mistakes that diamonds are weeded out and successful breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts are accomplished.  I only learn by trying new things.  Today, I created something delicious, but not necessarily visually stimulating.  The positive part:  I have the rest of my life to improve upon it.  Vote Liberal!

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